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Last updated: 11 May, 2018  

Population.9.Thmb.jpg PPP critical for building a strong education infrastructure: Anil Swarup

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SME Times News Bureau | 11 May, 2018

Anil Swarup, Secretary, School Education & Literacy, Ministry of HRD today said that the role of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is vital for a robust pre-school education format.

He was speaking at the conference FICCI ARISE 'Re-imagining Pre-school Education' organised by FICCI in Delhi today. FICCI Alliance for Re-Imagining School Education (FICCI ARISE) is a collegium of members representing various facets of the education ecosystem.

The government or private sector alone cannot solve the humongous task of redefining the pre-school education system in India. He said, "volume or size can come from government, but quality will come from the private sector." 

Today, one of the most challenging task in pre-school education is the lack of trained teachers, he said and advised the private sector to submit ideas to government with a focused approach. "Idea has to be politically acceptable, socially desirable, technologically feasible, financially viable and administratively doable", he added.

Mr. Manit Jain, Co-Chairman, FICCI ARISE and Co-Founder, The Heritage School said, "By seeking autonomy we will also have to make ourselves accountable".

Prof. Venita Kaul, Professor Emeritus, Ambedkar University Delhi highlighted that we need to focus on developing appropriate education framework along with a flexible curriculum. "To ensure a proper pre-school education, we need good quality teacher support mentoring system along with the quality of curriculum", said Prof. Kaul.  

In her opening remarks, Ms. Shobha Mishra Ghosh, Assistant Secretary General, FICCI said that for the development and growth of a country, education and skills play a significant role and we can?t focus on education in silos. She said, "Continuum of education is very important and the very foundation is pre-school education".

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PPP is an Innovative solution for Primary & Secondary Education
Daya Nand Singh | Sat May 19 08:13:52 2018
I think adminstratively the Govt. school's environment has deteriorated due to Political interference of govt.There is v.less competency & Irresponsible Teachers are employed at all the schools which is paralysising the nation's future .Reservation in Tacher employment,Use of teachers for Vote bank activities,corruption in employment of teachers are the some of the noticable reason for this.There is need to Rethink, draft & implement policies which can be administered by group of scholars/Academicians/Fair Representatives of society which will regulate the quality education on affordable price on PP Model.Privatisation is also not solution,Education is not a business ,It is prime duty of Govt. to build fair & Responsible society in the country in view of forth coming challenges. Only changing of syllabus & New Govt.with change over policy is not a soluion.Policy should be such fundamentally which should sustain for a long time & to be stick over it.

PPP critical for building a strong education infrastructure: Anil Swarup
Sunil Luhar | Wed May 16 11:26:07 2018
I believe everyone should understand education is not only a money making business but a very important part while grooming child's future. These days I have noticed in most of the private schools who claims to provide best education do not invest in quality teachers neither wants spend on training requirements. I found most of the teachers are getting in to teaching profession ( mainly female teachers) who have met their basic responsibility of parenting their own children and being qualified they find teaching is the best profession to spend time. Most of them even do not have professional qualification for teaching. At the same time school management prefers such teachers because they want to save cost so they compromise with the quality and qualification of teachers at the cost of future of the children. While marketing, they showcase world class syllabuses, systems, processing and teaching practices to fascinate parents to seek an admmission in their schools. If private sector has such kind of situation what one can expect from Govt school where major population of our country are getting their education. Most important part is our education system do not have any importance to create hands on skill in school going children because everyone is in a rat race of making their children Engineers and Doctors. In developing countries industries are closely linked with education institutes and they start educating children from school level for basic hands on skill.

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