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Last updated: 03 Mar, 2018  

Kovind.9.thmb.jpg Great potential in India-Jordan bilateral trade: Kovind

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SME Times News Bureau | 03 Mar, 2018

India and Jordan share a friendly relation which offers great potential for trade and investment, said President Ram Nath Kovind recently, while receiving King of Jordan Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein.

The President said that Jordan and India enjoy warm and friendly ties. India attaches great importance to its relations with Jordan.

He was happy to note that phosphate related joint ventures of the two countries are doing well.

Kovind stated that a large number of Indian textile companies have invested in Jordan and they have received good support from the Government of Jordan.

The President emphasised that there is much scope to enhance trade and investment between India and Jordan, particularly in the fields of IT, infrastructure, pharma and tourism.

Welcoming the King to India, the President said that Jordan has remained stable and peaceful in a troubled region.

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