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Last updated: 27 Sep, 2014  

Quality.9.Thmb.jpg 'Indian MSMEs' products of better quality than Chinese goods'

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SME Times News Bureau | 24 Mar, 2014
Quality of products made by Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) is much better than that of Chinese goods, National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) Director H P Kumar said Sunday.

Products of Indian small industry are "better in quality" than those coming from China and now more and more people have started recognising this fact, a news agency report quoted Kumar as saying.

He added that NSIC is working on a two-pronged strategy to make our products more competitive vis-a-vis China with focus is on improving technology and increasing production to make our products price competitive.

NSIC is a Government of India Enterprise under Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). It has been working to fulfill its mission of promoting, aiding and fostering the growth of small industries and industry related MSMEs in the country.

It promotes modernization, upgradation of technology, quality consciousness, strengthening linkages with large medium enterprises and enhancing exports - projects and products from small enterprises.

Kumar further said that India has entered into agreements with 32 countries to help them develop small and medium sector.

"Indian MSME has emerged as an ideal example. Several least developed and emerging economies have sought help of India to develop their small industries," he said.

India has opened incubation centres in 12 countries, including Egypt, Zimbabwe and South Africa, where entrepreneurs get training to make items like candles and soaps.

The NSIC chief added that the government was promoting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) so that they can give stiff competition to Chinese products.
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