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Last updated: 27 Sep, 2014  

msme-THMB-2010.jpg 'Finance to MSMEs via single-window time-bound clearance process'

Kalraj Mishra
The Union Minister for MSME, Kalraj Mishra addressing at the inauguration of a 2-day Workshop on Creating New Opportunities for MSMEs through Virtual Cluster, in Noida on June 06.
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Saurabh Gupta | 07 Jun, 2014
The Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Kalraj Mishra Friday said that the government will adopt a single-window time-bound clearance process for resolving issues of Finance and Marketing of the sector.

"Innovative measures for solving the problems being faced by MSMEs like finance and marketing through a single-window time-bound clearance process will be adopted," Mishra said at an event in Noida (NCR) on Friday.

The Minister has expressed the resolve of the new government to give impetus to the sector by providing a coordinated approach encompassing all the organizations of the ministry.

Inaugurating a two-day Workshop on Creating New Opportunities for MSMEs through Virtual Cluster in he highlighted the virtues of economic enterprises in removing the social evils.

He exhorted all stakeholders to work with a sense of zeal and mission for achieving the twin-goals of self-reliance and independence representing the basics of entrepreneurship.

The workshop is being organized by The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD) at its NOIDA Campus on 6th and 7th June, 2014.

Virtual Cluster is a dedicated web-based portal, is an initiative of the MSME Ministry launched on March 01, 2014. It enables the small businesses located anywhere in the country to register instantly and to avail prompt linkages with each other. This Web Platform facilitates the stakeholders to leverage the expertise of each other for their mutual growth and benefit.

The Workshop is being organized with the objective of inter-alia reviewing the progress in implementing Virtual Cluster so far and carving out a road-map for future. It is being attended by over 100 representatives of Industry/ MSMEs and those of educational/ research/technical institutions; chambers of commerce and industry; NGOs; academia; professionals etc. besides government officials from different ministries/ departments, said ministry.

Madhav Lal, Secretary (MSME) in his key-note address on the occasion exhorted the delegates to come out with a set of implementable suggestions and recommendations to take the concept further to make it a reality for all the stakeholders.

Arun Kumar Jha, Director General of NIESBUD in his welcome speech outlined the rationale of launching Virtual Cluster and the progress made in its implementation during the initial three months of its launch.
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P.K. Mazumder | Thu Jun 12 07:26:56 2014
I expect a simple one page application for a go / no go type procedure to determine if the applicant qualifies. This process will save time to both applicant and the reviewer and should be processed within three working days. Thereafter, the details can be worked out but should be completed within 2-3 weeks after submission of all documents.Do you think it is possible?

Finance To MSMEs
G.Rama Mohanan Nair | Thu Jun 12 04:16:22 2014
Hi, Finance to MSMEs is a very big issue. Refusal to finance, Inordinate delay in Financing/rejection of application, making the units sick even before starting the production,inadequate finance, refusal to accept Credit guarantee trust fund scheme , demanding huge collateral all these are strangling the MSMEs before their birth. I, as an industrial consultant have firsthand information about this fate of the entrepreneurs.Suggestions: 1)State Financial Corporations should also be brought under the purview of Ombudsmen. 2)Penal provisions on erring bureaucrats should be introduced for delays beyond a certain benchmark time. 3)The procedural delays in the processing of claims are what deter the Banks to accept CGTF Scheme. A review is needed here. Bank officials should be given periodical training on the operation of this scheme. 3) More awareness programmes are needed for the Operation of MSME Exchanges. 4) Quite a lot of training programmes of a permanent nature for the small entrepreneurs in manufacturing processes, esp for women is the need of the day.

About ssi units
mr.manoranjan mohanty | Wed Jun 11 17:25:08 2014
It is a very good steps for rural industries.Finance and marketing are two main issue for set up of a industry.Its well come ,single window system.

Industrial Policy 2009 of Gujrat- Schemes for CDM projects etc
Kailash Agrawal, Raipur (C.G.) | Wed Jun 11 07:53:12 2014
Pollution is connected with Fuel Efficiency. Maximum combustion of Fuel means minimum pollution. Flame without Fume. Minimize Heat Loss by Insulation or other process in Industry and Domestic consumption of Fuels. Alternative sources of energy Solar, Wind etc. should be encouraged and promoted at large scale extensively. Coal based and other projects emitting Green House gases should be discouraged. Coal excavation and Petroleum from under the Sea should be reviewed in view of disturbance to Eco-balance and incidents of Kedarnath-Dham in Uttarakhand. Research and Development should be made in view of the above. Development with Clean concept only, is solicited. Industrial Policy 2009 of Gujrat Government with schemes of Carbon Credits, Clean Development Mechanism Projects and Common Facility Centers for Waste Management etc. and PDS of C.G. are model for other States. Best of all the Policies schemes should be incorporated in National Policies to be adopted by other Departments and States, as they are equally applicable and beneficial for Environment, Mankind, Living & Non-living Beings. Regards.

R.LOGANATHAN. | Wed Jun 11 05:15:43 2014
The MSME Ministry should fix a basic and step to provide single window system for all approvals and collateral free loan to them.

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