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Last updated: 27 Sep, 2014  

k-h-muniyappaTHMB.jpg Trained people should be given priority under PMEGP: MSME Minister

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SME Times News Bureau | 17 Dec, 2013
Minister of State (Independent Charge), Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), K. H. Muniyappa has emphasized that in the selection of Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) applicants, those who have undergone Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDP) and similar such training should be given priority.

"In the selection of PMEGP applicants, those who have undergone EDP and similar such training should be given priority as they will be able to present their proposals in a better manner before banks and will have better capacity for setting up an enterprises," said Muniyappa while addressing the 30th Governing Council meeting of The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), Noida.

The Minister emphasized the desirability of increasing the conversion rates of the trained persons for enterprise creation from the present levels of 7 percent to 15 percent.

While highlighting the importance of import substitution for the Indian Economy at the present juncture for saving the precious foreign exchange, the Minister emphasized the importance of imparting training and setting up of enterprises by the trained persons in the areas having high potential of import substitution.

In order to encourage more trained persons to go in for enterprise creation, the Minister also highlighted the importance of greater association with the representatives of the financial institutions so that easy availability of sufficient funds to viable projects could actually become a reality.

Muniyappa also released a Book on "Curriculum of Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs), Entrepreneurship-cum-Skill Development Programmes (ESDPs), Training of Trainers (ToTs) and Management Development Programmes (MDPs)" at Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi on Monday.

The Book contains the standardized and vetted course contents of different training programmes being organized by different organizations under the "Assistance to Training Institutions" (ATI) Scheme of the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, (MSME), Government of India or otherwise.

The Book has been published by NIESBUD for the Ministry of MSME and is the outcome of a comprehensive exercise earlier initiated by the Ministry for rationalizing and standardizing the course contents of about 750 courses being used earlier by the organizations of M/o MSME. The exercise resulted in the number of courses being reduced to 160. Further, the courses have been given a Modular form.

Speaking on the occasion, Minister referred to the recent efforts of the Ministry to impart greater effectiveness to the entire exercise of training and maintain its relevance in the changing scenario so as to achieve the underlying objectives of training viz; enterprise creation and improvement in employability of the trained persons.

The Minister expressed hope that the Book will prove to be a milestone in field of entrepreneurial and skill learning and would ensure mobility of the trained persons across different geographical regions through adoption of uniform curriculum for different training programmes throughout length and breadth of the country.

The Ministry of MSME is the nodal agency for accelerating enterprise creation and sustenance of MSME Sector in the country, a vital constituent of the Indian Economy which has been truly described as 'Engine of Growth' for achieving different socio-economic objectives including inclusive and sustainable growth.

In order to encourage a growing number of persons to take to entrepreneurial career as a first choice and to provide skilled and competent manpower to MSMEs for their sustenance, the Ministry has set a target of providing training to 15 million persons by 2022 with 4.2 million being trained during 12th Plan.
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k.v.shanmukhappa | Wed Jan 8 06:14:58 2014
This program really helps to improve the manpower & employment to middle class people govt can continuous the the same programmes.

Rabin Pathak | Thu Dec 26 08:24:52 2013
Honorable Sir, We appreciate your efforts towards the all out development of the MSME UNITS.We the tiny entrepreneurs of Howrah would request your good self to kindly issue your orders for conducting Inspection of MSME Units pertaining to GP Registration to save us from financial & time related matter, as the Inspection by your DI-Kolkata involves more time due to huge cases of G.P. registration and we use to spent a lot for conveyance to pay visit there but we could have save them all if the same is conducted by our Local Howrah unit at Japani Gate, Balitikuri, Howrah. We beg your pardon for anything in context goes wrong against your honour. Rabin Pathak-Advisor to the MSME UNIT for getting registration and Govt. Business. Mob: 09007144760

PMEGP to give priority to EDP trained candidates
Shailesh Vasavada | Thu Dec 26 03:58:17 2013
A useful link for EDP institutes and trainers.

v.jayaganesan | Wed Dec 25 16:20:59 2013
sir, i would like to bring kind notice these kind of programs are merly paper based not at all reached common man. govt/ministry should identify deserving candidates based on their merit experience/qualification and send invitation . this will give more confidence to enterprise. people should be given more finance to substitute import example humidity sensors / sevovalves optic cameras electronic photocells etc. relaxation period, technical guidance forign training should be provided by govt so as to to get mutual benefit. plc controls programers/ control valves in thes areas govt should give more weightage. regards, v.jayaganesan svsugar mills ltd.prev. padmaadevi sugars ltd. kancheepuram

Entrepreneurship Skill Development Polytechnics in India.
Dr Mrs Sushma Joiya Pandit | Wed Dec 18 10:45:57 2013
We have a number of Skill Development institutions in India but District Trade and Industries are cooperating with them because all DICs want paper work only.

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