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Last updated: 12 Feb, 2024  

Handshake.9.Thmb.jpg VC firm Hyderabad Angels to invest Rs 150 cr across 20 disruptive startups

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IANS | 12 Feb, 2024
Hyderabad Angels (HAF) on Monday launched its maiden venture capital fund, featuring an investable corpus of Rs 100 crore and an additional green-shoe option of Rs 50 crore.

The Category 1 Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) aims to deploy up to Rs 5 crore across 20 disruptive startups that are positioned to scale with technology and AI, the company said in a statement.

“We are building HAF as a dynamic, collaboration-driven platform where founders not only secure financial backing but also tap into the collective wisdom of accomplished limited partners (LPs) who themselves are successful entrepreneurs,” said Sri Myneni and Kishore Ganji, Managing Partners of HAF.

The fund has successful entrepreneurs and business leaders in pharma, health sciences, tech, education, sustainability and other sectors.

“As an active investor in numerous venture funds and startups, I believe that fostering an active engagement platform between limited partners (LPs)/ investors and entrepreneurs is pivotal for creating successful businesses,” said BVR Mohan Reddy, Founder and Executive Chairman of Cyient.

Mahankali Srinivas Rao (MSR), CEO of T-Hub, said HAF is ready to harness the potential inherent in the synergy of funds, direct engagement with industry leaders, and the vibrant startup ecosystem in Hyderabad.

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