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Last updated: 17 Mar, 2023  

Rupee.9.Thmb.jpg Federal Bank staffers protest against harassment by management

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IANS | 17 Mar, 2023
Over 150 staffers of the Kerala-based Federal Bank staged a noisy demonstration outside its corporate office in the Bandra Kurla Complex here on Friday to protest against the management's harassment tactics and related issues, union leaders said.

The protestors slammed "the vindictive management for victimising staff and union activists" to suppress their voice and demanded "positive human resources" policies by involving and associating the staffers in the decision-making that affects employees.

Launching the agitation, Maharashtra State Bank Employees Federation General Secretary Devidas Tuljapurkar warned that if the management failed to heed the staffers' demands, then the entire All India Bank Employees Association would enter the picture and intensify the struggle on a national scale.

The Federal Bank Employees Union leaders like Sujith Raju A. R., Sarath S., Sujith P. R., plus MSBEF President Nandkumar Chavan addressed the employees and said that the management is trying to finish off staff unionism in the bank, hounding the union leaders to silence them so that it can push bulldoze its decisions unilaterally.

The agitation here was part of the all-India action against the Federal Bank, an old generation private sector bank with around 11,000 employees and 1,300 branches across the country.
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