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Last updated: 30 Jun, 2012  

toy_bizTHMB.jpg 'Foreign brands rule Indian toy market'

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Saurabh Gupta | 30 Jun, 2012

Domestic toy manufacturers are increasingly feeling the pressure of globalization as two third of Indian toy market is ruled by the foreigner brands, mainly from China.

"Indian toy market is estimated to be around Rs 10,000 crore, out of which only Rs 2,500 crore is contributed by the domestic players. Rest is mostly coming from China. It is affecting the domestic manufacturers and we want a level playing field," The Toy Association of India (TAI) President Raj Kumar told media at 6th Toy Biz International, begins in New Delhi on Saturday.

Asked what steps the government must take to help the domestic players, he said, "We need clarity on the taxation structure on toys. Currently it varies from 0-15 percent, and categorisation of toys is very vague and confusing."

He further said proper attention must be given to the toy industry and concrete steps -- such as the setting up of two toy zones in Mumbai and Delhi as recommended by the National Productivity Council (NPC) in 2009 -- must be taken.

The Rs 2,500 crore domestic market is growing at a rate of 15 percent per year. India is the world's 19th largest exporter and 10th largest importer, he said.

The global toy market is estimated to be around USD 85 billion and India contributes only about 1.5 percent of that.

Nearly 70 percent domestic toys are made in the National Capital Region, while Mumbai accounts for 25 percent. The rest of the toys are manufactured in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.

The 6th Toy Biz International, a business to business exhibition, which was kicked off at Pragati Maidan on
June 3 will be held till July2.

Kumar said, "In this exhibition, 5,000 buyers are expected and 10,000 visitors are likely to attend. Total 85 stalls are there, out of which 5 are foreign exhibitors," he added.

On the business expectations from the expo, Kumar said about Rs 1,500 crore business were generated in the last year's exhibition. "We are expecting little over than this during the ongoing show" he said.

Kumar said India employs around 30 lakh workers in toy manufacturing business, out of which 70 percent are women.

"There are 1,500 toy manufacturing units in the organised sector, besides innumerable unorganised units," he added.

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