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Last updated: 27 Sep, 2014  

forbes-logoTHMB.jpg Ten Indians on Forbes Midas list for 2013

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SME Times News Bureau | 09 May, 2013
The well-known venture capitalist, Vinod Khosla along with six other persons of Indian origin and only three Indian dealmakers figure among 100 top tech investors on Forbes Midas List, far outdistanced by China with 17 top dealmakers in the Asian venture market.

Remarkably, some 20 percent of the top 100 VCs have invested in China and India, up from 17 percent last year, a major development in recent years for these Startup Asia markets, Forbes said.

The three top Indian dealmakers listed by the US business magazine were: Sameer Gandhi, Accel Partners #44, Bijan Sabet, Spark Capital, #51 and Navin Chaddha, Mayfield Fund, #52.

Besides the three Indian dealmakers seven other persons of Indian origin figure in the Forbes Midas list for 2013.

They are: Aneel Bhusri, Greylock Partners #14; Asheem Chandna, Greylock Partners #20; Neeraj Agrawal, Battery Ventures #27; Venky Ganesan, Menlo Ventures #32; Vinod Khosla, Khosla Ventures #68; Salil Deshpande, Bain Capital Ventures #71; and Ajay Agarwal, Bain Capital Ventures #94.

In this year's Midas List of top tech investors, the IPO of Facebook, the largest IPO ever for an Internet company, which briefly valued the company at $104 billion cast a large shadow over the rest of the venture industry in 2012, Forbes said.

Despite its disappointing post-IPO performance, Facebook still drove many of the top names on the Midas list, including five of the top ten and 6 of the top 11, the magazine said.
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