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Last updated: 06 Nov, 2023  

Das9.thmb.jpg We take great pride in our distinctive approach to SEO: Webomaze CEO & Founder

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Staff Reporter | 06 Nov, 2023

In an exclusive interview with SME Times, Ravi Sharma, CEO and co-founder of Webomaze, said 'At Webomaze, we take great pride in our distinctive approach to SEO, which helps us stand out from the competition. For each and every client, we conduct extensive and in-depth research. We do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach'.

Excerpts of the interview...

Can you share the story behind the founding of Webomaze and how the company has evolved over the years?

Growing up, I was always fascinated by the idea of becoming an entrepreneur. Even before it had a name, I had a vision for Webomaze in my head.

I have always wanted to change the world and give back to the community. When I completed my MBA in marketing and my B.Tech in computer science and engineering, this inner drive began to take shape. This combination of technical knowledge and marketing insights shaped me into someone capable of bridging the technology-business divide.

I began my career in the corporate world, but it felt routine. After that, I took a chance and studied SEO for four years, which is when Webomaze began to take shape. I found a lot of inspiration in Steve Wiideman and Neil Patel. When my wife, Vinika, and I decided to launch Webomaze, we knew we needed to specialize. We had to be the best in a particular field if we were to actually assist our clients. As fate would have it, this choice proved crucial, particularly after we relocated to Australia in 2020, right before the global lockdown.

Living in Victoria, we witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of the pandemic on small and medium-sized businesses. Many suffered, and a few of them permanently closed their doors. Webomaze, however, was uniquely positioned to assist due to our specialised expertise. Our choice to narrow down our focus turned out to be the most important business move we have ever made. It has helped us navigate through challenging times and demonstrated the value of resiliency and flexibility.

2. Webomaze is well-known for its SEO services. What distinguishes your SEO strategy from competitors, and how do you ensure consistent results for your clients?

At Webomaze, we take great pride in our distinctive approach to SEO, which helps us stand out from the competition. For each and every client, we conduct extensive and in-depth research. We do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. We take the time to thoroughly research each client's company, sector, and rivals in order to create a custom SEO strategy that meets their unique objectives. Our approach is more comprehensive than just backlinking and keyword optimisation.

Keeping our clients informed is our top priority. We ensure that our clients always understand our methodologies and the status of their campaigns by providing regular, detailed reports and updates. Additionally, we only use ethical and long-lasting SEO techniques, guaranteeing long-term success without running the risk of being penalised by search engines. The SEO landscape is ever-changing, and we are committed to staying ahead of the curve. As algorithms change and industry best practices are implemented, our team continuously learns and adjusts.

We use cutting-edge tools and technologies that provide data-driven insights, allowing us to fine-tune and improve our strategies. We have a proven track record. With numerous satisfied clients, case studies, and industry accolades, our results speak for themselves.

How do we ensure that our client receives consistent results? Expertise plus experience is the easy formula to use here. We are aware of what to do, how to do it, and—most crucially—when to do it. For instance, we set quantifiable goals at the start of each SEO campaign to guarantee alignment and precise metrics for success. We carefully monitor website traffic, rankings, and other crucial KPIs using resources like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Google Analytics.

Collaboration is important to us, so we ask our clients for input regularly and adjust our approach to better meet their changing needs. With an honest, customer-focused approach, we promise that our SEO campaigns produce enduring, sustainable results, boosting our clients' online visibility and organic website traffic.

3. Can you talk about the challenges and opportunities of running a worldwide firm, particularly in Australia and India?

It was solely out of love for the city that my wife and I relocated to Melbourne, Australia. Running a global company, however, undoubtedly presented some difficulties. India and Australia are two distinct nations with unique legal systems, customs, and laws. Following these is a little difficult, particularly when they conflict with one another. This includes everything from data protection laws to employment practices, tax implications, and product standards. Managing time zones across coordination was another difficulty. India is ahead of Australia by 4-5 hours. Thus, it can be difficult to stay up to date at times when it comes to setting up meetings, starting international marketing campaigns, or making prompt decisions. Different regions may have different consumer needs, preferences, and behaviours. A product or approach that is effective in India might not be appropriate for Australia.

Even with these difficulties, we continue to pursue international operations due to the wealth of opportunities they offer, including entry into new markets, a variety of revenue sources, and widespread brand awareness. The secret is to tackle globalization with a genuine respect for local subtleties, flexibility, and in-depth research.

4. SEO is a dynamic field. How does Webomaze stay ahead of algorithm changes and evolving search engine trends to deliver effective SEO strategies?

At Webomaze, we employ a multifaceted strategy to maintain our advantage. To stay current with SEO developments, the team attends conferences, enrolls in courses, and keeps a close eye on industry news. Second, Webomaze provides strategic guidance and leadership to the whole company, emphasizing data analytics above all else. In order to understand the effects of algorithm changes and identify new patterns, extensive research and analysis are performed. The organisation uses a data-driven approach to make adjustments to its strategy.

5. Could you share instances of successful SEO campaigns or projects that have had a major influence on the internet visibility and commercial growth of your clients?

A boutique fashion retailer in Manhattan was struggling with online sales due to poor visibility on search engines. Our team thoroughly examined their e-commerce platform, making improvements to the user experience, applying schema markup, and optimising product listings. Within just 6 months, we were able to increase their online sales by 230%. Along with a 3% improvement in conversion rate, their website also experienced a 150% increase in organic traffic.

A renowned seafood diner in Sydney experienced a drop in reservations after numerous new eateries opened in the vicinity. Within five months, we increased their online reservations by 18%.

Although this provider provided a wide selection of high-quality online courses, it was having trouble reaching its intended market. Upon careful examination, many on-page SEO problems were found. Following their resolution, we concentrated on off-page tactics, obtaining guest posts, and developing high-quality backlinks. Their website's organic traffic increased by 300% in just nine months after they started using schema markup and voice search optimisation. Class enrollments also increased at the same time.

An electronics store was barely receiving any organic traffic despite having competitive prices and being buried deep in search engine results. Following a thorough analysis of their website's keywords and a redesign of its architecture, we added valuable, rich content that was tailored to high-conversion terms. They were able to rank on the first page of Google for 15 main keywords thanks to this effort, continuous on-page optimisations, and high-quality backlinks. Organic traffic increased by 280% within 8 months, translating to a 190% rise in sales.

A well-known auto dealership aimed to control the local internet market. We launched a multi-pronged SEO strategy with a focus on local search optimization, video content, and mobile search. By making sure their inventory was visible and easily crawled, along with producing authoritative content on car maintenance and buying advice, they were able to push their website to the top of Google for several competing keywords. Test drive appointments scheduled online rose 160% in just 7 months, and organic traffic increased by 220%.

6. How do you balance the value of local and worldwide tactics for clients with various target markets in the context of SEO?

There is no "balance the value" here. We value our clients and their ultimate goal with the utmost dedication. Every client approaches our team with a specific target audience in mind, along with a well-defined goal for working together. Background noise and other distractions disappear when one is focused on a single objective. If a client wants to dominate the local market, we design strategies specifically for that market. On the other hand, if their goal is to succeed internationally, we create strategies that take into account the unique characteristics of international markets. We do not have to divert our attention when we take such a focused approach; instead, we concentrate on reaching that one, crucial result. When you concentrate on a single goal, there is no need to balance.

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