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Last updated: 27 Aug, 2023  

Vinod.9.thmb.jpg Blockchain technology offers transformative solution in international transactions: Concirrus Ltd CEO

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SME Times News Bureau | 27 Aug, 2023

In an exclusive interview with Vinod K. Singh, CTO for Concirrus Ltd, a reputable insurance software business with headquarters in the UK, said that Blockchain technology offers a transformative solution by enhancing transparency, authentication, and security in international transactions.

Excerpts of the interview…

1. Cross-border e-commerce involves complex logistics and regulatory challenges. Could you discuss how blockchain technology can be employed to address issues related to transparency, authentication, and security in international transactions?

Answer from Vinod Singh:

Certainly! Cross-border e-commerce does indeed present intricate logistical and regulatory hurdles. Blockchain technology offers a transformative solution by enhancing transparency, authentication, and security in international transactions.

Transparency: Blockchain's decentralised ledger records every step of a transaction, ensuring an immutable and transparent trail. This transparency minimises the risk of fraud, counterfeiting, and disputes, as all parties have access to the same information.

Authentication: Blockchain enables robust identity verification through cryptographic techniques. This ensures that both buyers and sellers are genuine, reducing the likelihood of fraudulent transactions and protecting the integrity of the supply chain.

Security: Blockchain's encryption and consensus mechanisms enhance data security. It mitigates data breaches and cyberattacks by eliminating a single point of failure and distributing data across the network, making it exceedingly challenging for malicious actors to compromise the system.

Smart Contracts: Blockchain's smart contracts automate and enforce agreements, streamlining cross-border transactions. These contracts execute automatically when predefined conditions are met, eliminating intermediaries, reducing costs, and accelerating the transaction process.

Cross-border Payments: Blockchain's borderless nature and cryptocurrency integration simplify cross-border payments, reducing fees and transaction times while eliminating the need for multiple intermediaries.

However there are some very complex challenges that Industry need to be aware and prepare itself before it can leverage Blockchain on practical grounds -

● Regulatory Frameworks: The complex and evolving regulatory landscape across different countries can pose challenges. Blockchain applications often intersect with existing financial and trade regulations. To harness blockchain's benefits, businesses must work with governments and regulatory bodies to establish clear guidelines, ensure compliance, and navigate potential legal hurdles.

● Interoperability: Blockchain solutions need to interoperate seamlessly across various platforms and networks to achieve their full potential. In the cross-border context, different countries and organisations might use different blockchain protocols or platforms. Ensuring interoperability is essential to enable frictionless data exchange and transaction flow across borders.

● Scalability and Performance: As more transactions are added to a blockchain network, scalability becomes a concern. The technology needs to handle a growing number of participants and transactions without compromising performance or increasing costs. Solutions like consensus mechanisms, sharding, and layer-2 solutions must be explored to maintain efficiency as the network expands

2. Energy efficiency is vital for IoT devices with limited power sources. What are some innovative approaches to optimising power consumption in IoT devices, and how do these strategies impact the overall system design?

Answer from Vinod Singh:

Sure, energy efficiency is crucial for IoT devices with constrained power sources. Here are some innovative approaches I have used or advised companies in IoT vertical to try over last few years:

  1. Low-Power Hardware: Designing IoT devices with energy-efficient hardware components, such as low-power processors and sensors, is foundational. These components consume minimal energy during operation and can significantly extend the device's battery life.
  2. Sleep Modes and Wake-Up Strategies: Implementing sleep modes and wake-up strategies allows IoT devices to conserve power during periods of inactivity. Devices can enter low-power states and wake up only when necessary to perform specific tasks, reducing overall energy consumption.
  3. Energy Harvesting: Integrating energy harvesting technologies, such as solar panels or kinetic energy harvesters, enables IoT devices to generate power from their surroundings. This approach can supplement or even replace battery power, making devices more sustainable and reducing the need for frequent battery replacements.
  4. Data Compression and Edge Computing: Minimising the amount of data transmitted and processed by IoT devices reduces their energy consumption. Data compression techniques and edge computing allow devices to analyse and filter data locally, transmitting only essential information to central systems.
  5. Adaptive Communication Protocols: Using adaptive communication protocols, IoT devices can adjust their transmission power based on factors like distance and signal quality. This ensures that devices use the least amount of energy required to maintain reliable communication.
  6. Machine Learning for Power Optimization: Machine learning algorithms can analyse usage patterns and optimise power consumption in real-time. By learning from device behaviour and user interactions, these algorithms can fine-tune power management strategies for maximum efficiency.

But these strategies create challenges in the hardware design and the cost of these devices so not every strategy is suitable in every use-case.

Here are some key consideration while designing hardware for these devices -

● Hardware Architecture: The choice of energy-efficient components and hardware design considerations shape the device's power consumption profile from the ground up.

● Firmware and Software: Sleep modes, wake-up triggers, and communication protocols are integrated into the firmware and software to manage power states effectively.

● User Experience: Optimised power consumption enhances user experience by extending battery life and reducing the need for frequent charging or maintenance.

● Maintenance and Cost: Energy-efficient IoT devices require less frequent battery replacements or recharging, reducing maintenance efforts and costs.

● Scalability: Power-efficient design is essential for scaling IoT deployments without exponentially increasing power demands, making it easier to manage larger networks.

3. Customer experience is a key focus in insurtech. How can AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants enhance interactions between policyholders and insurance companies, streamlining tasks like claims submissions and policy inquiries?

Answer from Vinod Singh:

Certainly, AI-powered chatbots have been in use for years, but their effectiveness has often fallen short of expectations. However, with the recent emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Google Bard, the landscape is rapidly evolving, and AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are poised to deliver more human-like responses than ever before. This advancement is an exciting prospect for the future of customer experience in the insurtech industry.

Traditionally, chatbots struggled to understand the nuances of human language and context, leading to frustrating interactions and limited capabilities. However, LLMs have changed the game by demonstrating an impressive ability to comprehend and generate text in a manner that closely mimics human communication. These models can engage in natural, context-rich conversations, making interactions with AI-powered virtual assistants feel remarkably authentic.

The recent advancements in LLMs have a significant impact on customer interactions in insurtech. With these advanced models, chatbots can:

● Understand Complex Queries: LLMs can comprehend and respond to intricate queries, enabling users to ask questions in a more natural way.

● Provide Contextual Responses: These models can maintain context throughout a conversation, offering more relevant and coherent responses, which is crucial for insurance inquiries and claims discussions.

● Offer Personalized Assistance: LLM-powered chatbots can analyze a user's history and preferences to provide personalized recommendations and solutions.

● Handle Ambiguity: These models can better handle ambiguous or unclear queries, seeking clarification before providing an answer, which is essential in insurance discussions that often involve technical terms.

● Improve Self-Service: The improved capabilities of LLMs empower customers to perform self-service tasks more effectively, reducing the need for human intervention in routine inquiries.

● Enhance Problem Solving: LLM-powered chatbots can assist in complex problem-solving scenarios, guiding customers through intricate insurance scenarios and policy details.

● Enable Natural Conversations: Conversations with LLM-powered virtual assistants feel more natural and human-like, fostering a sense of ease and familiarity for policyholders.

4. Drawing from your experience, how have insurtech companies effectively applied machine learning algorithms and data analytics to develop more accurate pricing models for usage-based insurance products?

Answer from Vinod Singh:

Absolutely! Insurtech companies have effectively applied machine learning algorithms and data analytics to develop more accurate pricing models for usage-based insurance products in a number of ways, including:

● Collecting and analyzing large amounts of data. Usage-based insurance (UBI) products collect data on a variety of factors, such as driving behavior, mileage, and location, which can be used to create more accurate risk profiles for drivers. Machine learning algorithms can be used to analyze this data and identify patterns and trends that can be used to predict future claims costs.

● Developing personalized pricing models. By using machine learning algorithms to analyze individual driving behavior, insurtech companies can develop personalized pricing models that more accurately reflect the risk of each driver. This can lead to lower premiums for safe drivers and higher premiums for riskier drivers.

● Providing real-time pricing updates. Machine learning algorithms can be used to continuously update pricing models as new data becomes available. This allows insurtech companies to provide real-time pricing updates that reflect changes in driving behavior or other factors that may affect risk.

● Encouraging safer driving habits. By providing personalized pricing based on driving behavior, insurtech companies can encourage safer driving habits. This can lead to lower claims costs for everyone, which can ultimately benefit both insurers and policyholders.

Here are some specific examples of how insurtech companies have used machine learning algorithms and data analytics to develop more accurate pricing models for usage-based insurance products:

● Concirrus uses big data and telematics devices along with AI to power insurance companies in UK to offer pay as per use or lower premium model for young drivers based on their driving behaviors

● Root Insurance uses machine learning to analyze data from telematics devices installed in vehicles to create personalized pricing models for its UBI products. This has allowed Root to offer lower premiums to safe drivers and higher premiums to riskier drivers. As a result, Root has been able to grow its customer base rapidly and become one of the leading UBI insurers in the United States.

● Metromile also uses machine learning to analyze telematics data to create personalized pricing models for its UBI products. Metromile's pricing model is based on the number of miles driven, rather than the driver's age, gender, or credit score. This has made Metromile's products more affordable for young drivers and those with poor credit.

● Lemonade uses machine learning to analyze a variety of factors, including driving behavior, location, and weather, to create personalized pricing models for its home insurance products. Lemonade's pricing model is designed to be more fair and transparent than traditional home insurance pricing models.

5. Fraud detection is crucial in the insurance industry. How can advanced data analytics, anomaly detection algorithms, and AI-driven models be utilized to identify suspicious claims patterns and prevent fraud?

Answer from Vinod Singh:

Absolutely, fraud detection is a critical aspect of the insurance industry, and advanced data analytics, anomaly detection algorithms, and AI-driven models play a pivotal role in identifying suspicious claims patterns and preventing fraudulent activities. Here's some of the use cases I have used in past and working on few of these at the moment:

Advanced Data Analytics:

● Data Integration: Integrating various data sources, including policyholder information, historical claims data, external data feeds, and social media insights, creates a comprehensive view of individuals and their behavior.

● Pattern Recognition: By analyzing large volumes of data, advanced analytics can detect patterns that might indicate fraudulent activities, such as unusually high claims frequencies or unexpected correlations.

● Predictive Modeling: Utilizing historical data and machine learning techniques, predictive models can identify patterns associated with previous fraudulent cases. These models can then predict the likelihood of new claims being fraudulent.

Anomaly Detection Algorithms:

● Establishing Baselines: Anomaly detection algorithms establish baselines for normal behavior and usage patterns. Deviations from these baselines trigger alerts for further investigation.

● Unsupervised Learning: Anomaly detection often employs unsupervised learning techniques to identify irregularities that might not be explicitly defined in the training data.

AI-Driven Models:

● Fraud Score Calculation: AI-driven models assign fraud scores to claims based on various features, such as claim details, policyholder history, and external data. Claims with high fraud scores are flagged for manual review.

● Ensemble Models: Combining multiple AI models, like decision trees, neural networks, and support vector machines, can enhance fraud detection accuracy by leveraging different detection strategies.

Behavioral Analysis: We heavily used this technique at Concirrus

● User Profiling: By analyzing historical behaviors and transactions of policyholders, AI models can create profiles and detect deviations from normal patterns.

● Real-Time Monitoring: AI-driven systems continuously monitor user behaviors, raising alerts for any sudden changes or inconsistencies.

Network Analysis:

● Social Network Analysis: AI algorithms can analyze connections between individuals and entities to identify networks of potentially fraudulent activities. This helps uncover organized fraud rings.

● Graph Analysis: Representing claims, policyholders, and other entities as a graph enables the detection of complex relationships and anomalies that might indicate fraud.

6. What role do augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) play in enhancing the online shopping experience, and what technical considerations should e-commerce businesses keep in mind when integrating these technologies?

Answer from Vinod Singh:

I possess extensive experience in e-commerce, ranging from global industry leaders like Amazon to smaller Shopify-based stores. Throughout my journey, I've ventured into integrating AR/VR technologies within our prototypes, and the potential these technologies hold is truly immense. However, widespread deployment may still be around five years away, as the most significant impact is expected to unfold during that period.

Recent research underscores this trajectory, revealing that merely 2% of the global population currently has access to AR/VR headsets in some capacity. As a result, e-commerce companies might encounter challenges in demonstrating immediate ROI from these technologies. Nonetheless, it's important to recognize that AR/VR are on a trajectory of evolution that mirrors what transpired with smartphones. As costs decrease and accessibility broadens, these technologies are destined to become commonplace, inevitably reshaping the e-commerce landscape

Having said that, Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are two emerging technologies that have the potential to revolutionize the online shopping experience. AR allows users to overlay digital information onto the real world, while VR creates a fully immersive digital environment. Both technologies can be used to enhance the online shopping experience in a number of ways, including:

● Product visualization. AR and VR can be used to provide customers with a more realistic view of products before they buy them. This can be especially helpful for products that are difficult to visualize in a traditional 2D format, such as furniture or clothing.

● Product interaction. AR and VR can be used to allow customers to interact with products in a more realistic way. This can be done by allowing customers to virtually try on clothes or furniture, or by allowing them to walk around a virtual showroom.

● Education and training. AR and VR can be used to provide customers with educational and training materials about products. This can be helpful for products that are complex or difficult to use, such as appliances or electronics.

● Customer engagement. AR and VR can be used to engage customers and create a more immersive shopping experience. This can be done by creating interactive games and experiences, or by providing customers with a virtual tour of a store.

There are also some technical considerations that e-commerce businesses should keep in mind when integrating AR and VR into their online shopping platforms. These include:

● Hardware requirements. AR and VR require specialized hardware, such as smartphones, tablets, or VR headsets. Businesses need to make sure that their customers have the necessary hardware before they can offer AR or VR experiences.

● Bandwidth requirements. AR and VR can require a lot of bandwidth, especially for high-quality experiences. Businesses need to make sure that their websites have enough bandwidth to support AR and VR experiences without slowing down the user experience.

● Development costs. AR and VR development can be more expensive than traditional web development. Businesses need to factor in the cost of development when deciding whether or not to integrate AR and VR into their online shopping platforms.

● User experience. AR and VR experiences need to be designed for the specific needs of the target audience. Businesses need to make sure that the experiences are easy to use and understand, and that they provide value to the customer.

As the AR/VR headset market continues to grow, it is likely that the percentage of the population with access to this technology will also increase. It is possible that by 2030, as much as 10% of the world's population will have access to AR/VR hardware

7. Traditional credit scoring models are being augmented with alternative data sources. Can you elaborate on the technical aspects of incorporating unconventional data, such as social media activity or transaction history, into creditworthiness assessments?

Answer from Vinod Singh:

I have had the privilege of collaborating with visionary minds in the banking industry on this very subject. I firmly believe that the banking sector has a significant opportunity for improvement by redefining how credit scores are computed. Currently, credit scoring heavily relies on factors such as consistent income, residential address stability, credit history, and financial behaviors like timely credit card bill payments or savings. However, the World Bank reports that approximately 1.7 billion adults worldwide lack access to even the most basic bank accounts. This leaves them without the ability to save, receive payments, or access credit.

A fundamental challenge in traditional credit scoring lies in the absence of a permanent and stable living address. According to the World Bank, roughly 1.6 billion individuals globally lack a permanent address. Consequently, they often fall within the categories of "unbanked" or "underbanked," as they lack access to conventional financial services.

These statistics underscore the urgent need to introduce an innovative credit scoring approach that leverages alternative data sources. Numerous data points can be tapped to assess the creditworthiness of individuals devoid of a conventional credit history. These include:

● Telecom Data: Insights into individuals' cell phone usage, encompassing call frequency and data consumption.

● Social Media Data: Information from individuals' social media activity, including spending habits and financial aspirations.

● Location Data: Data indicating residential and work locations, valuable for evaluating financial stability.

● Online Shopping Data: Purchasing behavior in online transactions, providing insights into spending habits.

● Payment History: A record of past bill payments, spanning rent, utilities, and mobile phone bills.

● Income: Details about individuals' earnings and income stability.

● Assets: Information on savings and investments.

● Debt: Data regarding debt levels and management.

● Employment History: Insights into tenure and stability of employment.

● Education: Educational attainment level.

● References: Input from individuals familiar with the applicant, offering insights into their financial responsibility and character.

8. Can you discuss your observations regarding the technical challenges and solutions in building scalable, cloud-based platforms for processing and settling insurance claims in real-time, incorporating features like document verification and digital signatures?

Answer from Vinod Singh:

Building scalable, cloud-based platforms for real-time insurance claims processing requires addressing challenges related to scalability, data integration and Data Quality, security, and user experience. Implementing technologies like microservices, APIs, blockchain, and digital signatures, while incorporating machine learning for fraud detection, can provide robust solutions. These innovations can revolutionize the claims process, making it faster, more secure, and user-friendly, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and operational efficiency for insurance providers.

Here is the list of the technical challenges in building scalable, cloud-based platforms for processing and settling insurance claims in real-time, incorporating features like document verification and digital signatures:

● Data volume. Insurance companies collect a massive amount of data, including claims data, policy data, and customer data. This data can be stored in a variety of formats and systems, which can make it difficult to integrate and analyze.

● Data silos. Data silos are a common problem in insurance companies. This is when data is stored in different systems and cannot be easily shared. This can make it difficult to get a complete picture of a customer or a claim.

● Data quality. Even if insurance companies have access to all of their data, it may not be of good quality. This can be due to a number of factors, such as human error, outdated systems, and inconsistent data entry. For delivering precise claims assessments through modern technology, a substantial foundation of data is imperative. Equally critical is the exceptional quality of this data to prevent inaccuracies. The process of preparing vast volumes of data to be compatible with analytics and AI demands substantial time and significant investment, often reaching millions of dollars, when executed without precision

● Scalability. Insurance claims can be unpredictable and can vary in size and complexity. A scalable platform must be able to handle a large volume of claims without impacting performance.

● Real-time processing. In order to provide a good customer experience, claims must be processed in real-time. This requires a platform that can quickly and efficiently process large amounts of data.

● Document verification. Many claims require the verification of documents, such as medical records and police reports. This can be a time-consuming and manual process. A scalable platform must be able to automate document verification to improve efficiency.

● Digital signatures. Digital signatures are increasingly being used to authenticate documents and verify identities. A scalable platform must be able to support digital signatures to ensure the security and authenticity of claims.

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