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Last updated: 05 Sep, 2015  

tradeindia-communities-thmb New service on TradeIndia Communities for queries on legal and regulatory issues

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Bikky Khosla | 08 Jul, 2014
The more I interact with SME friends the more I realize that one of the most vexatious topics that comes up is that of legal and regulatory issues. This is truly a very important aspect to be dealt with by any business. There are many queries that people have which they need to be answered. Our country has multiple laws of both central and state governments that any business enterprise has to adhere to. This, for the entrepreneur, becomes a very time-consuming issue resulting in monetary expenses as well as many working hours being used up. Moreover, in case of any lapse or error the penalties are steep and can totally interrupt or even halt the normal functioning of the business.

Legal and regulatory issues is a subject that the businesses need to be updated constantly about to continue doing the business smoothly. However, over the years we have realized that a lot of queries, received from SMEs, are asking for basic information on the subject and not knowing where to get them answered. The sources are not easy to find and if one straight away goes to an expert it could be a costly affair.

Recognizing the need for information to be available on the subject, we at Tradeindia have launched a new service to help our users to find lawyers, chartered accountants and consultants online and get their queries answered at absolutely at no cost. The idea is simple, being a platform that has always believed in simplifying the way SMEs have been doing business, we have come up with a forum, which allows you to post all your legal and regulatory business related queries on the portal and we will ensure to get them answered by our experts for zero cost. So no more hassle of finding a credible source to answer your queries and pay a hefty fee because now you have a portal that you can access 24x7 and find solutions to all your legal queries for FREE.

Available to all users of the site in our communities link at it allows queries to be posted on the online forum. These queries are then moderated and attended by our in-house experts who post the reply into the forum. This way not only the unique user but all members of the community can benefit by looking through the replies and suggestions given. Many a time some topics are touched, which SMEs may not even be fully aware of and hence it serves to alert everyone as well and keep on top of new regulations and rules. The forum is intended to offer a good starting point for your queries and if you think the matter is serious enough you can take it further to a specialist.

Please do note that although our experts views are best possible options does not assume any legal or financial responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the same.

Queries of legal and regulatory compliance issues are addressed by lawyers, chartered accountants, company secretaries etc. This year particularly there are lots of changes which business's structured as companies have to go through with the new companies act coming in force. Similarly SMEs have so many other queries on VAT, intellectual property rights, trademarks, forex, labour law, licensing requirements etc. The list is endless and for each of our users we hope that going through these may even give you an warning to look into an issue which you may not even be aware of.

I invite you all to make use of this newly launched service, as I am sure it will be tremendously helpful for your business. Please go ahead with using the portal and share your feedback with us. We will be happy to incorporate your suggestions and make this an ideal platform for your business. Keep associated with us and we shall do our every bit to make your business easy.

I invite your opinions.
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New service on TradeIndia Communities for queries on legal and regulatory issues
S R Rama Subbaiah | Tue Jul 8 21:54:53 2014
It is indeed very thoughtful on your part to have visualized this service. This is highly commendable and will endear you more!

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